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Jess Reads

Feminist library assistant. Music enthusiast, tea & coffee addict. Sherlockian & casual gamer.


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Currently reading

The House of Impossible Beauties
Joseph Cassara
The Book of Joan
Lidia Yuknavitch

WHAT WE DO NOW: Standing Up for Your Values in Trump's America

WHAT WE DO NOW: Standing Up for Your Values in Trump's America - Valerie Merians, Dennis Johnson I received this as an ARC/eGalley from the publisher.

This collection is comprised of easily digestible speeches, essays, and letters from prominent figures imploring the progressive public to resist complacency and depression in the next Presidential administration. The theme is clear: We are the majority, you are not alone, and we need to stick together.

While this is geared towards the general "liberal" demographic, much of this reads as a primer for the dismayed white voter who has been jolted into grassroots activism as a result of the 2016 US Election. To that aim, it's an excellent way to focus one's thoughts without getting overwhelmed by the onslaught of social media commentary, blogs, and editorials. I would caution against this being the ONLY read on the subject, though. I suggest interested readers and community members combine this with reading many other writings from POC and LGBTQ+ activists over the past several decades.

(Review was originally posted on Edelweiss+ on January 4, 2017.)