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Jess Reads

Feminist library assistant. Music enthusiast, tea & coffee addict. Sherlockian & casual gamer.


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Currently reading

The House of Impossible Beauties
Joseph Cassara
The Book of Joan
Lidia Yuknavitch

Unwrap My Heart: or It's Time For Mummies

Unwrap My Heart: or It's Time For Mummies - Ezra Fox, Alex Falcone SPOILER: IT'S ABOUT MUMMIES.

This is, without a doubt, the silliest book I have read in years. It's more than just a self-aware Twilight. I'm probably biased since I'm a long time listener to the Read It and Weep podcast, but I think they did an excellent job writing this book, making fun of what the public loves about paranormal YA romance.

I'm definitely the middle of their target audience demographic Venn Diagram. Not sure how much reread value there is in this, but I had a lot of fun reading it. Finally something good happened in 2016.