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Jess Reads

Feminist library assistant. Music enthusiast, tea & coffee addict. Sherlockian & casual gamer.


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Currently reading

The House of Impossible Beauties
Joseph Cassara
The Book of Joan
Lidia Yuknavitch

The End We Start From

The End We Start From - Megan  Hunter I received an eGalley of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The world (as far as we are made aware) has flooded, and our protagonist gives birth to a baby we only know as Z. As people and resources disappear, her main goals are to keep her baby alive and still find moments of joy and connection in her new life. Climate fiction with a poetic lens.

Ultimately, I wanted to like this book more. A story of a refugee mother and what she endures to survive has the power to be compelling and beautiful. However, despite some lovely writing, it fell flat for me while reading it. The characters were hidden behind letters as names, and it was difficult to be drawn into their world. I'm sure this was intentional, to emphasize the impermanence of the day to day and that their survival was dependent on an ability to adapt. Sadly, it didn't resonate as much as I had hoped.